November Fair Trade Month - AlterNativa3 Activity Diary

November Fair Trade Month

Fair Trade Month

November is this year's Fair Trade month. This is a very special occasion for AlterNativa3, where we will continue our commitment to our formula, carrying out Fair Trade activities for teach y raise awareness in society. In addition to collaborate with other organisations in the conducting workshops and others events related to the Fair Trade and its goal for this year: Teaching Fair Trade. #EnseñaFairTrade.

Fair Trade Month Agenda

  • Workshops-Breakfast in Schools: Fair Trade educational workshops in schools with the aim of raising awareness among children, encouraging responsible and thoughtful consumption. A "Fair Trade Breakfast" with Fair Trade products and Fair Trade certification will be held with primary school pupils.

  • Terrassa Cooperativa: offers more than 30 activities with the aim of informing, promoting and showing the advantages of the social economy, as well as sharing with those attending the economic and social value it brings to the city. From 5 to 30 November. You can consult the programme here.
  • 3rd FIRA of Social and Solidarity Economy. Come and taste our organic Fairtrade products on Saturday. 24 November from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Plaça Vella and carrer Major in Terrassa.

Open Doors AlterNativa 3

  • Open doors AlterNativa3: During the month of Fair Trade within the framework of Terrassa Cooperativa we open our doors with Fiare. Come and get to know our cooperative, our projects and our collaboration with ethical banking. It will take place on Saturday 24 November at 17h - 18:30h at AlterNativa3. Ctra. Castellar, 526. Come and visit the cooperative!
  • 17.00h Welcome
    By: Antonio Baile, President of the AlterNativa3 cooperative.
  • 17.10h Presentation of the Conference
    By: Josep Vidal Fàbrega, Director General of Social Economy, Third Sector and Cooperatives
    and Self-Enterprise
  • 17.20h Presentation of AlterNativa3
    Since 1992, we have been committed to the creation of environmentally friendly and responsible alternatives to the
    products commonly consumed.
    By: Rosa Guinot, Director of AlterNativa3
  • 17.30h Visit to the roastery
    From green coffee to coffee for consumption, learn about the production process of a Fairtrade coffee roaster 100%.
    By: Martín Sánchez, Barista and Roaster of AlterNativa3
  • 18.00h "De la terra a la tassa".
    Coffee: producer cooperatives, varieties, benefits of Fair Trade for the producer, for the processor and for the environment.
    Coffee tasting: 100% Arabica, 100% Organic, 100% Fairtrade
    Led by: María Fernández, AlterNativa3 project manager.
  • 18.30h. Fiare Vallès Assembly.
    It will be held at AlterNativa3's headquarters in the  Ctra. De Castellar 526 of Terrassa on Saturday 24 November from 18.30h to 20.30h
  • Exhibition "Fair Trade Coffee"will be located in the hotel and catering school - Restaurant Torre Mossen Homs from the 12 November to 15 December. For a fairer, more caring and responsible future.

Workshop on Inequality at Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just (Schools for Fair Trade Network)

Another way in which we at AlterNativa3 can do our bit is through the project Fair Trade Schools Network.

During the first week, we have carried out one of the activities programmed for the new school year. Specifically, we have travelled to the Pont Trencat School of Santa Maria de Palautordera, where the whole teaching staff participated in the Desigualtats Nord-Sud" workshop"given by SETEM Catalonia.

In the workshop, the teachers carry out a reflectionThe dynamic of the project focuses on the unjust relations and exchanges between the countries of the North and the South, which generate inequalities global, poverty e insecurity food to many populations in the South. They have also been able to see how Fair Trade is a fair and transformative alternative to this reality.

The aim of the teacher training is to provide teachers with basic tools on the causes of inequality between the North and the South, the principles of Fair Trade and responsible consumption, so that they can work on these issues in their subjects and thus transfer the knowledge and skills of the teachers to the students. knowledge to the students. In addition, in the website In the project, they can find different resources, dynamics and activities to be carried out in the classroom.

And you... How are you going to participate in the month of Fair Trade? Share it with us on Instagram, Facebook y Twitter.

- 13-11-18
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