El Rincón de Lectura: the little school in San José - AlterNativa3

El Rincón de Lectura: the little school in San José

The project

The San José Community School is one of the 9 beneficiary schools of the Reading Corner project carried out by Alternativa3 and the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperative, with the support of Terrassa City Council and the Logistica Justa Foundation. The project has made reading books and furniture available to the schools, thus creating a small library and fostering the creation of a new library.


ant reading. The schools are located in rural communities with difficult access and scarce resources.

To reach the community of Sant José, the bus that travels through the different communities of Guapotal, a mountainous region where coffee is mainly grown, leaves you on the main road and from there begins a magnificent path that climbs up a mountain for almost an hour. Walking it in the oppressive heat of the tropics is tiring but at the same time the views are magnificent.

The project has also promoted the creation of a community reading competition and training in schools on the proper use of books and gender equality.



How does the library help the community?

It is a small primary school with 54 pupils, most of whom come from the community and some of whom have to walk several kilometres every day to get there. There we met the teacher Pablo, a 23 year old boy from the community itself who was awarded a grant from the Cooperative and AlterNativa3 to study to become a teacher. Pablo explains that children at school didn't have reading books, only textbooks, and therefore reading was a practice that was unknown to children and their families. With the Reading Corner they have created a lending service and the children bring the books to read at home. The teacher, enthusiastic, comments on how he leaves a period of time each day for them to explain what they liked about the book and with whom they read it. For him, the project has been a strategy where families and children get involved to learn more, to travel to the world of books and, through them, to improve communication between the family and the children. Books like The Ugly Duckling, Els tres porquets, La rateta presumida, Garbancito... are the ones who have transported the children of San José to the magical world of books.

- 20-11-17
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