Why go Fair Trade this Christmas? - AlterNativa3

Why choose Fairtrade this Christmas?

Why should you opt for Fairtrade this Christmas? It's no secret that consumption spikes during the festive season. And, although it is not what we want to hear, it is not always conscious and responsible consumption.

However, we want you to know that change is in everyone's hands. You, everyone in our team... we can all contribute to making our purchases sustainable and beneficial for people and the environment. How?

Fair Trade, the sustainable and responsible alternative for the Christmas season

Think about that coffee that you have with your family after Christmas meals. Let us reflect on all the sweets that flood the table on every special day. And now let's think about how the impact of our actions would change if these products were Fairtrade.

At AlterNativa3 we believe that we must make this change for the following reasons:

● Because we all have the right to a living wage, and we contribute to this every time we buy these products.
● Because gender equality is a goal to be pursued.
● Because we don't want our purchases to result in even more damage to our planet.
● Because we are concerned about child exploitation and reassured that Fairtrade co-operatives are looking out for the welfare of children.
● Because we want good quality products.

These are just some of our reasons. However, if you are interested in knowing more about the subject, you will probably like to read this article on the common objectives of Fairtrade and the 2030 Agenda.

And you, are you joining the change this Christmas?

We've told you about coffee and sweets, such as the chocolate or the newcomers Arrugats that you can get in our online shop. But let's go further!

If you still don't have your presents for Christmas or Epiphany, you are just in time to discover the many Fair Trade shops that you may not know about yet. If we also think about the situation we have had to live through this year, opting for local shops is a very good option! The State Fair Trade Coordinating Committee addressed this issue at the beginning of the month under the slogan "This Christmas, stay in the neighbourhood and buy the right things".

Do you want to go Fair Trade? Discover our products!

- 22-12-20