World Fair Trade Day in Terrassa - AlterNativa3

World Fair Trade Day in Terrassa

The revolution of the pockets invades the Independence Market in Terrassa

Under the slogan "The revolution of the pockets", Terrassa joined in the celebration of World Fair Trade Day at the Independence Market.

On Saturday, the Market was packed with citizens who enjoyed a day full of music and surprises, while raising awareness of fair trade and its advantages over conventional international trade.

The day began with a musical performance by Roger Canals, the opening of the "Tira del Fil" exhibition and the sale and tasting of Fair Trade products. Even the little ones had the opportunity to make Fair Trade handicrafts and take part in the fun activities.

The "Associació d'Amics de l'Òpera i la Sarsuela de Terrassa" (AOIST) joined in the festival, performing a flashmob around the market singing different music and surprising the spectators. The event ended with two pillars for Fair Trade by "Minyons de Terrassa".

Fair Trade is an alternative to current international trade based on criteria of social justice, respect for the environment and economic sustainability.

The events are supported by Terrassa City Council, and organised in collaboration with Alternativa3 and Oxfam Intermón.

More information:
Yema Guinot


Fair Trade Festival

- 30-05-17
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