Presentation of 'La Coordi' Fair Trade and Ethical Finance - AlterNativa3
Presentation La Coordi

Launch of 'La Coordi' of Fair Trade and Ethical Finance

On 7 March, the headquarters of AlterNativa3 in Terrassa will host the official presentation of 'La Coordi', the new Coordinator for Fair Trade and Ethical Finance in Catalonia. It is a coordination of Catalan entities of the Third Sector and the Social and Solidarity Economy, which aims to promote social justice, Fair Trade and ethical and solidarity finance.   

La Coordi' is made up of SETEM Catalonia, Oxfam Intermón, Fiare Catalunya, FETS-Finançament Ètic and AlterNativa3, and is an evolution of the campaign Som Comerç Just born 20 years ago to promote Fair Trade on World May Day. Two decades later, the project has incorporated the discourse of Ethical Finance and the Solidarity Economy.

A unique platform

 The Coordi, which is supported by the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation and the Barcelona Provincial Councilis a unique platform in Catalonia that aims to consolidate Fair Trade, Ethical Finance and the Social and Solidarity Economy from a North/South perspective.

In this sense, the new coordinator aims to contribute to social justice, the reduction of inequalities and respect for human rights. And especially to contribute to the increase of labour and environmental rights in producer countries.

Presentation at AlterNativa3

La Coordi' will be presented on 7 March at the headquarters of AlterNativa3, in Terrassa, in an event open to the public, which will also include a debate on Fair Trade and a Fair Trade coffee tasting. María Fernández, President of 'La Coordi' and head of projects at AlterNativa3, will open the event, which will be attended by several representatives of solidarity organisations and entities.

Do you want to attend the presentation of 'La Coordi'? Send an email to  

Further information here

- 01-03-19
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