Fair Trade prioritises respect for Human Rights over economic profit - AlterNativa3
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Fair Trade prioritises respect for human rights over economic profit.

Today is Human Rights Day.

On the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rightsthe UN reminds us of the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, Chairperson of the Drafting Committee of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ".... where do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home; in places so close and so small that they don't appear on any map. [If these rights mean nothing in these places, they mean nothing anywhere else. Without coordinated citizen action to defend them in our own environment, our will to progress in the rest of the world will be in vain".


These words remind us of the value of the grain of sand that each one of us can contribute to improve reality. When we choose Fair Trade in our purchases we are making a commitment to the defence of Human Rights, as Fair Trade is based on dialogue, transparency and respect, it seeks greater equity in international trade, paying special attention to social and environmental criteria; it contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions and ensuring the rights of disadvantaged producers and workers, especially in the South. In other words, it gives priority to people and nature, moving away from conventional trade that is aimed solely at economic profit and does not take environmental and social values into account.


On Human Rights Day at AlterNativa3 we join the 1TP5FightForHumanRights, we continue working and believing in Fair Trade as an indispensable tool to create a new transformative economy in which people and their rights are protagonists.



- 10-12-18
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