FIREPEMU - If you work in education, come and see us!

FIREPEMU - If you work in education, come and see us!

The FIREPEMU (Fair of Musical Pedagogical Resources) is a platform that promotes research and dissemination in the field of education, with the aim of updating and improving the quality of teaching through music. A space for training and exchange of ideas, knowledge and pedagogical tools. An environment where professionals, companies and institutions present their projects and make their resources known. The ideal framework for reflection on music as an educational tool and its involvement in our social and cultural reality.

Alternativa3 will be together with Carles Cuberes presenting the activity "Learn Fair Trade with Music". This is an activity to learn about the social side of music, in particular the basic principles of Fair Trade, through the songs of the album "Karibu", as well as basic notions of audio recording and editing. Aimed at primary school teachers (from 8 to 12 years old).

You will find us on Saturday 6 October at the auditorium theatre in Llinars del Vallés at 10:45h.

We invite you to enjoy the event and share your experience with us through our social networks: Instagram, Facebook y Twitter.


- 05-10-18
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