Fair Trade Month


This month we are filling our agenda with activities and workshops, the reason is that we are celebrating Fair Trade month and we want you to experience it in a very special way.


5 May

Venue: Biocultura Barcelona, Palau Sant Jordi

Time: 19,15h

Activity "Discovering cocoa with the 5 senses". by Laura Pérez and Adriana Baile, Alternativa3.

8 May

Venue: Torre Mossen Homs Restaurant-School of the Cavall Bernat Secondary School, Terrassa

Time: 9h

Play by the Women's Collective of Matagalpa (Nicaragua) at the Torre Mossen Homs Restaurant-School. "Fair Trade and GenderThe project is part of the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation.

11 May

Place: Montnegre School, La Batllòria, Sant Celoni

Time: 11h

Participatory activity "Fair trade and genderto the 4th grade students of the Montnegre school, by the Women's Collective of Matagalpa (Nicaragua), within the framework of the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation.

Place: Montnegre School, La Batllòria, Sant Celoni

Time: 15h

Visit of two Fairtrade coffee producers from Nicaragua:"Experiences of a small rural cooperative in Nicaragua", with 5th and 6th grade students, within the framework of the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation.

14 May

Venue: Joviat hotel school, Manresa

Time: 9h

Visit of two Fairtrade coffee producers from Nicaragua:"Experiences of a small rural cooperative in Nicaragua", with the school's student body.

15 May

Venue: Torre Mossen Homs Restaurant-School of the Cavall Bernat Secondary School, Terrassa

Time: 9h

Visit of two Fairtrade coffee producers from Nicaragua:"Experiences of a small rural cooperative in Nicaragua", with the school's pupils, within the framework of the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation.

Place: Sabadell City Council

Round Table "cooperatives of the north and cooperatives of the south: experiences and struggles of cooperatives". with the participation of Exolina Aldana and Fayrin Suarez, producers from the Fairtrade cooperative Augusto Cesar Sandino from Nicaragua.

16 May

Venue: Alternativa3, Terrassa

Time: 11,30h

Celebration of the 10 years of the Café Terrassa projectFair Trade. With the visit of the Mayor of Terrassa and the Councillor for Cooperation to Alternativa3 and the presence of producers from the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperative from Nicaragua.

17 May

Venue: Alternativa3, Terrassa

Time: 10h

Visit to Alternativa3's Fairtrade roasteryorganised by the City Council of Montcada i Reixac, aimed at the citizens of Montcada.

Venue: Calella Municipal Radio

Time: 18.30h

Round table "Women in the South",with the participation of Exolina Aldana, president of the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperative of Nicaragua, who will explain the role of women in Fair Trade.

18 May

Place: headquarters of the Minyons of Terrassa

Time: 20.30h

Reception of Fairtrade producers of the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperativeof Nicaragua by the castellera entity Minyons and raising of Fair Trade flags in the human castles.

19 May

Place: Independència Market, Terrassa

Time: 10h

Terrassa Fair Trade Festival. With the participation of the Terrassa Fair Trade organisations. We will have the presence of two producers from Nicaragua, the music of Roger Canals, the castles of the Minyons de Terrassa and an exhibition of the 10 years of Café Terrassa.

20 May

Venue: Alternativa3, Terrassa

Time: 10h

Open doors of Alternativa3.To offer the opportunity to get to know closely a cooperative that produces Fair Trade products to all interested people. At the open house you can learn a lot about Fairtrade coffees, cocoa and sugars, the experience of producers from the south and a visit to the Alternativa3 roastery.

21 May

Place: La via ecològica shop, Reus

Time: 18h

Talk "Cooperativism, gender, coffee and Fair Trade. Experiences from a cooperative in Nicaragua".by Exolina Aldana and Fayrin Suarez, producers of the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperative of Nicaragua.

22 May

Venue: Alternativa3, Terrassa

Time: 10h

Visit to Alternativa3's Fairtrade roasteryorganised by the Sant Adrià del Besós Town Council, aimed at the citizens of the municipality.

Place: Alzinar School, Canpins (El Montseny)

Time: 15h

Visit of two Fairtrade coffee producers from Nicaragua:"Experiences of a small rural cooperative in Nicaragua", with the school's pupils, within the framework of the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation.

23 May

Place: Pont Trencat School, (Sant Celoni)

Time: 9h

Visit of two Fairtrade coffee producers from Nicaragua:"Experiences of a small rural cooperative in Nicaragua", with the school's pupils, within the framework of the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation.

Place: Puig Drau School, (El Montseny)

Time: 11.30h

Visit of two Fairtrade coffee producers from Nicaragua:"Experiences of a small rural cooperative in Nicaragua", with the school's pupils, within the framework of the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, financed by the Catalan Agency for Cooperation.

Place: Fem Cadena Shop, Tàrrega

Time: 19h

Talk "Cooperativism, gender, coffee and Fair Trade. Experiences from a cooperative in Nicaragua".by Exolina Aldana and Fayrin Suarez, producers of the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperative of Nicaragua.

 24 May

Venue: Sala Vapor Gran, Terrassa City Council's Enterprise Service, Terrassa

Time: 12:30-13:30

Talk"Cooperativism, coffee and fair trade". organised by Terrassa City Council and with the participation of Exolina Aldana and Fayrin Suarez, producers of the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperative of Nicaragua.

Place: Fundació 3r Món, Mataró

Time: 20.30

Talk "Gender, Coffee and Fair Trade. Experiences from a cooperative in the South".by Exolina Aldana and Fayrin Suarez, producers of the Augusto Cesar Sandino Cooperative of Nicaragua.

 26 May

Place: Setem Barcelona

Time: 16h.

Talk"Comerç Justby Maria Fernàndez (Alternativa3) in the framework of SETEM Barcelona's project Fields of Solidarity.

As you will have seen, we didn't leave a single day free. Full agenda and everything ready for a full month of fair trade. Don't hesitate to share your experiences on Facebook, Twitter o Instagram using hashtags #SomosComercioJusto and #ComercioJustoA3

- 11-05-18
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