Chocolate cake by AlterNativa3- We make with love
Chocolate Cake

Chocolate cake

Today we bring you a recipe for an irresistible dessert and above all... Fair Trade! In this cake the protagonist is, besides chocolate, Panela sugar, which gives it a very peculiar flavour, texture and colour. Panela sugar helps to combat states of fatigue and tiredness and provides a lot of energy to the body. As it is unrefined, it is much richer in vitamins and minerals than white sugar.




To begin with, we will prepare the sesame and cinnamon sponge cake.

  1. Beat the butter with the panela sugar and cinnamon (to taste) until smooth.
  2. Add the eggs and sesame seeds, mix well and gradually add the flour and baking powder while whisking.
  3. Grease the baking tin with butter and sprinkle with a little flour, pour in the mixture and bake in the oven at 180º for 30 minutes. Once baked, leave to cool.
  4. Melt the 70% cocoa chocolate and coat the sponge cake, finally decorate it with icing sugar and chocolate tears.


Panela is the juice extracted from crystallised sugar cane, only by evaporation. This sugar does not undergo any refining process, nor any type of chemical procedure. It is a very nutritious product that preserves all the properties of sugar cane (minerals and vitamins). Direct from the producer to your table. 

We encourage you to try our chocolate cake or any other AlterNativa3 recipe and share it with us through our social networks. We love to know that you choose Fair Trade!

- 28-02-18
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