Exhibition "Fair Coffee and Fair Trade" - Alternative 3

Exhibition "Fair Coffee and Fair Trade".

From AlterNativa3, we collaborate in the improvement of the environment and the awareness of the population, in the consumption of products made with ingredients and under the principles of Fair Trade. To learn a little more about the concept of Fair Trade, what are its principles and how to put it into practice, we propose a perfect plan, Fair Coffee and Fair Trade Exhibition, sounds good, doesn't it?

When and where will the exhibition take place?

From 20 to 28 September. Eight days dedicated exclusively to understanding a little more about what Fair Trade is based on and how a 100% Fair Trade product is made. The exhibition will be held at the Espai Cultural Kursaal (C/ Masia, 39 - 08110 Montcada i Reixac - Barcelona).

What is the exhibition about?

In this case, the exhibition shows the process of making coffee in a traditional way, without using chemical products that cause it to lose its natural essence. Products with such a seal are of quality and do not violate the rights of the artisans who produce them.

This event is part of the activities on Fair Trade and Ethical Banking that are being carried out during this last year and help to know in more detail the world that surrounds Fair Trade. We hope you have the opportunity to enjoy it and share it with us through our social networks: Instagram, Facebook y Twitter. If you want to know more about the principles of Fairtrade, you can visit our blog: What is Fair Trade?

- 27-09-18
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