World Environment Day: Connecting people with nature
world environment day

World Environment Day

This year's slogan for the celebration of World Environment Day "Connecting people with nature" fits perfectly with the essence of our cooperative AlterNativa3: dedicated to the production of organic fair trade products with the aim of offering sustainable, responsible and quality alternatives to everyday consumer products, especially coffee, cocoa and cane sugar. Products that respect people and nature.  

"Connecting people with nature".

Each year, World Environment Day is organised around a theme and serves to focus attention on a particular pressing issue. The 2017 theme focuses on people's connection to nature, encouraging us to get outdoors and into nature to appreciate its beauty and reflect on how we are an integral part of it and how much we depend on it.

The reality of small commercial producer organisations is the reality of billions of rural dwellers around the world who spend their daily lives "in connection with nature" and are fully aware that they depend on natural water supplies and on nature to provide them with their livelihoods through soil fertility. These people are the first to suffer from the threats that ecosystems face, be it pollution, climate change or overexploitation. This awareness means that the small cooperatives of fair trade producers maintain traditional farming techniques while avoiding damage to the environment as much as possible.

This is why one of the basic principles of fair trade is respect for the environment; a reduced and safe use of agrochemicals, appropriate and safe waste management, maintenance of soil fertility and water resources, and the non-use of genetically modified organisms.

In October 2015 a new Fairtrade Climate Standard, with the aim of supporting producers in adapting to climate change and reducing their carbon emissions.recognising, on the one hand, the devastating impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable populations in developing countries and, on the other hand, the need to develop more sustainable forms of production in the face of increasing depletion of natural resources.

- 02-06-17