Recipe for raw chocolate bars and probiotic almond cream with cinnamon cocoa and orange - AlterNativa3
bar recipe

Recipe for raw chocolate and probiotic almond cream chocolate bars with cinnamon cocoa and orange

Today, we bring you the bar recipe from @drabeatiful. 4 ingredients were enough to achieve this contrast of flavours between the chocolate and the cream. And the probiotic properties of kombucha put the finishing touch to this preparation that you are sure to love!


(For 8 sticks)

  • 1 cup skinless natural almonds
  • ¼ cup kombucha
  • 1 tablespoon of our cinnamon and orange cocoa
  • Dark chocolate 100 % in the quantity needed to cover the bottom and top layer (to be chosen according to the desired thickness, in the recipe shown in the photo about 60 g)

Step by step

  1. Soak the almonds for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight.
  2. Pour off the water and grind the almonds together with the kombucha tea and cocoa. The result should be a paste.
  3. Leave the mixture for 24 hours in a glass jar covered with a cloth.
  4. In a yoghurt maker or taking advantage of the residual heat of the oven, if you don't have one, we obtain a fermented cream that we pass through the mixer again.
  5. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and fill the bottom of the mould. Then put it in the freezer.
  6. Then cover the same mould with the fermented almond and cocoa cream.
  7. Add a layer of melted chocolate on top and put it in the freezer for about half an hour, until it reaches the desired consistency.
  8. Keep in the fridge and enjoy!

Would you like to try this recipe for chocolate and almond bars? Share with us the result.

- 08-07-20
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