Igualada Ground Coffee BIO-FT. 250g - AlterNativa3


Igualada Ground Coffee BIO-FT. 250g

Ref: 009016


Naturally roasted ground coffee, blend Arabica and Robusta.
Intensity 7

In stock

Fair trade
Gluten free
Lactose free
Sugar free


IGUALADA COFFEE is a blend of coffee from the Global Village cooperative in Nicaragua with a small percentage of Robusta coffee from India and marketed by the WSSS Organic Farmers Fair-Trade Association (WOFFA), an organization of small producers.

The COFFEE CITY Network is made up of several municipalities in Catalonia and its objective is to promote responsible consumption and global justice. To this end, Fair Trade coffee is promoted as a tool to find out its origin, reinforcing links with producer cooperatives. Fair trade works for equity in international trade and ensures decent conditions for female workers and producer communities in the South.

Global Village is an association of small coffee producers that offers marketing, credit and development support to its members in Nicaragua. It was born in 1992 and its fundamental pillars are environmental conservation and gender equality. It has 12,000 members and a democratic and assembly structure that encourages the participation of women in decision-making.



Naturally roasted organic Fair Trade ground coffee.

El comercio justo es una herramienta eficaz para erradicar la pobreza y las desigualdades que genera el comercio internacional convencional. Trabajando por la equidad de género, la erradicación del trabajo infantil y pagando un precio digno a las personas que cultivan nuestros ingredientes, que se organizan en cooperativas y toman decisiones de manera democrática.

Nuestra cooperativa apuesta por las políticas de responsabilidad social en todos los ámbitos: con las cooperativas productoras, manteniendo relaciones a largo plazo; con el/la consumidor/a, ofreciendo la máxima calidad y transparencia; e internamente, con políticas de conciliación familiar, toma de decisiones en equipo, entorno ambientalmente sostenible y equidad de género. Trabajar en AlterNativa3 nos permite formar parte en la construcción de una realidad mejor en las que las personas estamos por encima del beneficio económico.

Las cooperativas productoras cultivan los productos siguiendo técnicas tradicionales respetuosas con el medio ambiente. En la elaboración posterior, no se utilizan componentes químicos ni aditivos artificiales, que son nocivos para la salud y la naturaleza.

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