AlterNativa3 at the first FSMET 2019 meeting - AlterNativa3
AlterNativa3 at the first FSMET meeting 2019

AlterNativa3 at the first FSMET meeting 2019

This weekend, 5, 6 and 7 April, we participated in the first meeting of confluence to prepare the World Social Forum of Transformative Economies (WSF-TE), which will take place in 2020 in Barcelona.

More than 300 people from 40 different backgrounds participated.

It was a working meeting with organisations linked to transformative economies, networks and movements at local and international level. The aim of this first meeting was to get to know each other among the different actors, to establish the challenges to be discussed and the process towards the FSMET 2020. Also, to start agreeing on the work plans, the governance model and to validate the next steps to be taken.

It works around four axes: feminist economies, agro-ecological movement and food sovereignty, commons and solidarity economy.

In addition to AlterNativa3, many fair trade organisations have participated, such as LaCoordi (Coordinadora catalana de comerç just i finances ètiques), La Coordinadora estatal de comercio justo i organizaciones de países productores, among others that, like our cooperative, are willing to work together, under the standards of the social economy, so that fair trade reaches more and more people.

- 11-04-19
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