October AlterNativa 3 - AlterNativa3 October Agenda 2018
FESC October

Agenda October 2018 AlterNativa3

Our October agenda

As every month, in AlterNative3 we fill our agenda with events and activities related to our co-operative and the Fair Trade. Today we want to share with you a compilation of everything we have done during the past month of October: all the activities carried out and how our projects are evolving.

Exhibition "10 years of Cafè Ciutat".

  • From the 1st to the 31st of October we were at the school Hostaleria Torre Mossen Homs with a coffee exhibition to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the project. Cafè Terrassa
  • The exhibition will continue in different libraries of the city.

Project Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just (School Network for Fair Trade)

  • We have been at the Montnegre School to give the training introduction of the Fair Trade.
  • From the 15th to the 31st we held an Exhibition in the same school.
  • In the Pont Trencat School we gave training to your teachers.
  • Four of the schools in the project, have celebrated the castanyada with products from Trade Justo.
  • The Torre Mossen Homs school has prepared chocolates and has used the chocolate 65% cocoa to make miscellaneous activities. On the 25th they came to visit us.

XES Fair

  • We have been present at the solidarity economy fair in the district of Sant Andreu, Barcelona from the 26th to the 28th.
  • On Saturday 27th we held a COFFEE TASTING Colombia for attendees. 

Fairtrade Towns Meeting

  • From the 19th to the 21st we were also represented by Antonio, in this space for the exchange and Fair Trade knowledge between different cities around the world.



  • We apply to the subsidy to adapt a training room.
  • We have presented our participation in Singular Projects.
  • We went to sponsors of a career of running.
  • The project of gardens in Nicaragua is proving to be a success and achieving very good results.
  • We have created as co-founding partners the Catalan Fair Trade Coordinator, of which we are presidents.

This is everything we have done during the past month of October. We are very satisfied with the success of all the activities we have done during the month. If you want to find out where we will be in November follow us in our networks Twitter, Facebook e Instagram.

Thank you for making time for us in your agenda!

- 01-10-18
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