We join the World Day Against Child Slavery - AlterNativa3

We join the World Day Against Child Slavery

Today, and every day, AlterNativa3 joins the World Day Against Child Slavery cause. Even today we see how many children in the southern hemisphere work in exploitative conditions to produce products that we consume in our daily lives, often even performing dangerous tasks.

This problem goes even beyond the completion of jobs. In most cases, this situation even affects future working life due to lower qualifications. All this, of course, not to mention the physical and mental consequences.

That is why, at AlterNativa3 we have always given importance to responsible consumption.What is behind the products we consume? The clothes we wear? The coffee we drink in the morning? Only by reflecting on these issues can we take action and lead change.

When was the World Day Against Child Slavery born?

Why 16 April? This date was chosen as an acknowledgement of the work of Iqbal Masihwho spent most of his life being exploited by the factories after being sold by his father at the age of 4 to pay off a family debt. At the age of 10, he finally managed to escape, and devoted his efforts to working as an activist to get several of these factories closed down.

However, on 16 April 1995, he was murdered by mercenaries of the business mafias. It was in 1998 that this day was established to remember not only his case, but that of many other children who are exploited every day.

Today is the World Day Against Child Slavery, but change is in our hands every day. Will you join us? At AlterNativa3 we are waiting for you!

- 16-04-21
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