The relationship between fair trade and the 2030 agenda - AlterNativa3

What is the relationship between fair trade and the 2030 agenda?

Author: Eugenia González.

What are the Millennium Development Goals and are they the same as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda? And you, do you contribute to development? Here I explain what these goals are, how they relate to Fairtrade and propose 3 actions you can do today to contribute.


4 What is the relationship between Fairtrade and Agenda 2030 (1)


What are the Millennium Development Goals?


I'm sure you remember: in 2000 the United Nations agreed on the eight "Millennium Development Goals" (MDGs). 

The agreement was a global call for governments and citizens to change course and focus on:

  • Eradicate poverty and hunger
  • Extending education and health to all the world's people


What is the relationship between the MDGs and Fair Trade?


Goal 8 ("Develop a Global Partnership for Development") called for "the further development of an open, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory trading and financial system". 

And what has Fair Trade been promoting since its birth in the 1950s? Just that, a fairer and more equitable trading system. An alternative system to conventional international trade (which perpetuates poverty and increases inequality).


As you know, FT is a movement that offers a fair payment to producers in the South, so that they can participate in World Trade and have access to developed country markets on equal terms.


We are talking about products grown and produced by farmers working small pieces of land in Africa, Latin America and Asia. If these people were unable to form cooperatives and certify their products as Fair Trade goods, they would have no alternative but to sell their products to conventional trading companies, which perpetuate their situation of poverty and exploitation.


But then... What are the Sustainable Development Goals?


These are the Goals that are part of the 2030 Agenda. The Agenda is another document: it was signed by representatives of 193 governments in 2015, at the Sustainable Development Summit at the United Nations. 

The idea behind the 2015 document is the same as the 2000 document, but with a much more pressing and dangerous element: climate change.

These are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Goals are a call for collective action, a global challenge and a global challenge for the world. must be met by 2030


The Agenda is a very detailed document: 17 objectives, broken down into 169 targets and 231 indicators to monitor, measure progress and verify achievements. 

I won't kid you, when I read all this I feel overwhelmed. Sometimes it seems to me like just another document, just another paper full of good intentions. It is clear that the most important role in achieving the goals is played by governments. How are we, the citizens, going to change the course of the world? In other words, how am I alone going to change the direction of the world? 

But this is where Fairtrade comes in and what you and I can do.


What is the relationship between the MDGs and Fair Trade?


The Agenda proposes to move towards prosperity by eradicating poverty. What is the strategy? Put people and the planet first. 

And what does Fair Trade promote? Exactly the same: to move towards prosperity by eradicating poverty. And its strategy is to promote the development of people and their communities and to protect the planet through sustainability. 

It makes sense, doesn't it? Development, if it is not sustainable, is doomed to failure. An entrepreneur friend of mine was telling me the other day that if the planet doesn't do well, his business can't do well either. He's absolutely right, don't you think?


Fair Trade puts respect for people and the planet at the centre and promotes a fair and equitable relationship between producers and consumers. It is a powerful tool, capable of bringing about the change we need.


It's an exciting subject, don't you think? 


As you know, Fairtrade is governed by 10 criteria. In other words, for a product to be labelled as Fairtrade it must meet 10 requirements. 

Well, if you take the 10 principles of Fair Trade and compare them with the 17 Goals, you will see that Fair Trade matches and promotes 8 of the Goals. 

If you are interested in going deeper into this topic, the Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo has a document that analyses in detail the relationship between Fair Trade and the SDGs. You can download it here:



Shall we take action?

  • Do you want to contribute to "Goal 1: Eradicate poverty"? By buying Fairtrade products you make sure that the people who produce them are paid fairly for their work. 
  • Are you more interested in supporting "Goal 5: Gender equality"? By buying Fairtrade coffee, bread, teas, infusions... you ensure that the cooperatives are working to promote gender equality.
  • Goal 4: Quality Education" affects the lives of many people, especially children. If a product carries the Fair Trade label it means that the cooperative that wants its products to be certified has adhered to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. If you buy Fair Trade cocoa you ensure that there will be no children in forced labour and you contribute to the protection of children in Africa.


Yes, I want to buy Fairtrade products



But can Fair Trade really be the solution?


Fair Trade is not aid, it is Trade.  It is therefore governed by the law of supply and demand.  In other words, if demand increases, the market produces more. It is as simple as that. In practical terms, what does it mean? That if you and I and more consumers increase the demand for Fairtrade products, the market will adapt and more will be produced. I'm not saying it's easy, or quick... but it is possible. Consumers have great power. The key is to use it.

The UN Declaration is an OPPORTUNITY. 

And responsible consumption is a POWERFUL FORM OF POLITICAL ACTIVISM. 

And you, what do you choose?


I choose Fair Trade

- 21-07-22
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