Cheesecake, coffee and chai recipe - AlterNativa3
cheesecake recipe

Cheese, coffee and chai cheesecake recipe

A recipe for cheesecake, coffee and chaiSounds delicious! And... it looks even better! This is the step by step @drabeatiful has shared with us. So don't miss it!


  • 250 ml goat's milk 
  • 100 ml of our chai coffee 
  • 200 g of goat's cheese 
  • 30 g vegan chocolate protein 
  • 10 g of our cocoa with chai
  • 2 eggs 
  • 2 tablespoons ground erythritol (more or less depending on the desired sweetness)

Step by step

  1. First, beat the eggs with coffee, milk and erythritol.
  2. On the other side, we mix the cheese with the protein and cocoa.
  3. Then we mix the two mixtures well together and bake until set. 
  4. *If you don't have or don't use chocolate protein, you can replace it with more cocoa.

Are you ready for your chai coffee cheesecake recipe? Bon appétit!

- 03-06-20
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