Vegan Pecan Pecan Cookies Recipe - AlterNativa3

Vegan Pecan Pecan Cookies with Chocolate Cream Filling Recipe

Would you like to try a vegan biscuits recipePerfect! @drabeatiful She explains how to prepare them with pecan nuts and a delicious chocolate cream filling - don't miss the step-by-step!


For the biscuits:

  • 80 g ground pecans or other nuts to taste
  • 2 tablespoons erythritol
  • 2 tablespoons white tahini
  • ¼ cup vegetable almond drink (or your choice of almond drink)
  • A pinch of salt
  • Sesame seeds

For the filling:

Step by step

  1. First, grind all the ingredients, except those reserved for the filling and the sesame seeds, to obtain a dough.
  2. We then make small balls, each with one or two tablespoons of dough, and roll them in the sesame seeds to coat them. Flatten slightly and, using the back of a teaspoon, create a hemisphere for the filling.
  3. Bake for about 15 minutes and then allow the biscuits to cool completely before filling.
  4. For the filling, mix the solid part of the coconut milk with the chocolate. Heat it all in a bain-marie and mix so that both ingredients are well integrated.
  5. Remove the mixture from the heat and leave it to stand for a while to give it texture.
  6. Finally, fill the biscuits and put them in the fridge until the filling solidifies.

Have you got everything you need to prepare this vegan biscuit recipe? Enjoy!

- 30-03-21
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