Maca, its properties and benefits - SuperFoods - AlterNativa3

Maca, its properties and benefits - SuperAlimentos


Maca is a tuber considered a superfood, as it provides us with many health benefits, such as a greater sense of well-being, energy, fertility and libido. The Incas attributed aphrodisiac, energising and revitalising properties to maca. Today we tell you about some of its benefits and how we can add this superfood to our daily routine.


Maca properties and health benefits

  • Essential Amino AcidsMaca contains 7 of the 8 essential amino acids our body needs.
  • Improved sports performance: Maca consumption provides us with great vitality and energy that will help us to achieve better sports performance, thanks to its high iron content.
  • Natural analgesic: Due to the terpenoids and saponins contained in maca, it can relieve pain.
  • Reduces stress and fatigue: as an adaptogen, it helps the body to adapt to any situation with high levels of tension or stress, increasing the ability to combat physical and mental fatigue.
  • Stimulates libidoMaca is a natural aphrodisiac that has been shown to improve sexual desire, erectile dysfunction and sexual function, due to its action on the brain, stimulating the mechanisms that regulate follicle-stimulating hormones.
  • It provides minerals: maca contains copper, iron, calcium and zinc. These minerals are necessary for our body's health. Its calcium content can help prevent osteoporosis.
  • Rich in B vitaminsThe vitamins B and C that maca provides us with will help us to have the energy we need to face the day in the best possible way. It also has an antioxidant effect which slows down the oxidation process of our body's cells.


How to take maca?

Before you start incorporating this superfood into your diet, maca contains alkaloids, so you should avoid it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If you are not, there are many ways to take maca.

Breakfast is probably the best time to take maca. This way, we ingest the superfood at the start of the day and can benefit from its properties throughout the day.

If you are used to drinking a fruit smoothie, it is as easy as adding a spoonful to it to benefit from all the properties we have told you about.

If you're more of a coffee drinker than a smoothie drinker, you can also incorporate it into your breakfast with the coffee I love you! with organic and Fairtrade maca and cocoa. A cup in the morning will help to improve your health. It can also be added in the process of making cakes and other desserts.


What do you think of this easy way to incorporate it and all its benefits into your daily routine? Do you want to incorporate other SuperFoods into your diet? Here you can read about the benefits of black tea and the coffee.

Tell us about your experience with maca through our social media channels. TwitterFacebook o Instagram.



- 23-01-19
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