Today we bring you some news about the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, where teachers have been trained so that they have the necessary tools to work on Fair Trade in the classroom.
Project Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just (School Network for Fair Trade)
The teachers have started the course with an in-depth study of the topic of Fair Trade.
This is one of the main objectives of the project, to raise awareness and train teachers in the subject of Fair Trade, in order to have autonomous professionals to work on this subject and to be agents of change towards a fairer world.
The entire teaching staff of infant and primary education at Pont Trencat School (Santa Maria de Palautordera), Montnegre School (La Batlloria), Alzinar School (Campins) also took part in the workshop "North-South Inequalities", given by SETEM Catalonia. With this activity, the teachers have been able to reflect, through a dynamic, on how unfair relations and exchanges between the countries of the North and the South generate global inequalities, poverty and food insecurity for many populations in the South. They have also been able to see how Fair Trade is a fair and transformative alternative to this reality.
Objectives of teacher training
The aim of the teacher training is to provide teachers with basic tools on the causes of inequality between North and South, the principles of Fair Trade and responsible consumption, so that they can work on these issues in their subjects. In addition, the project's website offers them various resources, dynamics and activities to work on in the classroom.
"It is important to convey this reality to the students, who are not aware of it", says Quico López, one of the teachers who has received this training. Maria Rosa Camacho, another teacher at the centre, also valued the training very positively. "With this training you realise how we exploit the resources and communities of the South," she says. Roser Massó and Ana Maria Manzanares also think that, thanks to this project, "you can change views and also get to know other realities at first hand, as happened when we received the letters from the exchange with Nicaragua".
This training gives teachers basic tools on the causes of inequality between North and South, the principles of Fair Trade and responsible consumption, so that they can work on these issues in their subjects.
This project is coordinated by AlterNativa3 and receives the support of the Catalan Agency for Development Cooperation and the Barcelona Provincial Council.
If you want to know more about the Xarxa Escoles pel Comerç Just project, click here. here.
- 11-12-18