"Fair Trade Panellets - AlterNativa3

"Fair Trade Panellets

Today we bring you a traditional recipe for these dates, in the form of a poem...

Ingredients of the base:


Ingredients for the varieties:


Yaya Rosita's recipe


To achieve exceptional panellets

equal parts sugar and chopped almonds

with our hands we must mix 

to make a marzipan.

To give consistency with egg whites you lower it.

and a product has to be mixed

to give flavour and name to the "panellet".

which you cut into square, round or mushroom shapes. 

If the panellets are made of pine nuts

you will have to make them round

and so that they don't fall apart, with your hands tightly clenched

stick the nut on, brush with beaten egg.

Place them on a greased tray with oil.

that at high temperature inside the oven will go into the oven

and when they start to turn golden in colour

you will take them out of the oven in no time.

The panellets must be left to cool.

so that they can then be eaten.

Sara Goodman Ariadna- A. Solé

Mix the almonds and sugar, make a volcano and add the egg white. Knead until you obtain a plasticine-like dough and leave to rest overnight. We make a ball and stretch it with both hands open, creating a cylindrical bar. With a knife we cut out equal rounds and make small balls. From this measure, we create our panellets, letting our imagination run wild. Once the creations are finished, paint with the yolk of an egg and bake at 200º for 3-5 min. Let them rest and that's it!

Recipe by Eva del Amo Davó, Chef at El Diván de los Sentidos restaurant.

Do you have a recipe with our products? Send us to comunicación@alternativa3.com a photo, ingredients and preparation and we will publish it in this section.

- 30-10-17
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