The common goals of Fair Trade and the 2030 agenda - AlterNativa3
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The common goals of Fair Trade and the 2030 agenda

How does the Fair Trade to the fulfilment of the Agenda 2030? We talk about the Sustainable Development Goals that the United Nations took on in 2015, with the idea of achieving some specific targets in 15 years from then.

Although you may think that they are two different things, the truth is that they have a lot in common. In fact, you could say that they are two paths with the same objectives. With both we come to the conclusion that development is not only about the economic aspect; we have to look at the social, human and ecological aspects.

But what specific points do they have in common? Let's break them down.

Fair Trade and Sustainable Development Goals: together to care for the environment

One of the principles of Fair Trade is the respect for the environmentwhich contributes to the SDGs on climate action and living terrestrial ecosystems.

On the other hand, this production model encourages responsible agricultural practices, which favour the environment and its good conservation. In this way, the essence of Fair Trade has a lot to do with Sustainable Development Goal 12: responsible production and consumption.

Better working and living conditions

Fair Trade has among its principles a fair pay and good working conditionsThe United Nations has set decent work and economic growth as one of its objectives. It should be noted that many poor people have a job, but it does not meet the conditions necessary to eradicate these poor living conditions. Fair Trade and Agenda 2030 come together to fight for fair wages and minimum labour rights.

Likewise, to speak of Fair Trade is to say no forced labour and child labour. This is not only in line with the decent work goal set out in the 2030 Agenda; it also contributes to achieving quality education. Of course, children should be studying and not working, and this is what Fair Trade organisations are working for.

Equality: a common goal

We close this article by talking about equality: an objective that is found both among the principles of Fairtrade and among the Sustainable Development Goals. Among the former we find the principle of "No discrimination, gender equality and freedom of association".. The 2030 Agenda coincides on this point, as one of its main points is gender equality.

You must also bear in mind that equality is necessary to truly eradicate poverty. We can therefore find a link to this goal as well.

As you can see, Fair Trade and Agenda 2030 go hand in hand. Are we fighting for these goals?

- 30-01-20
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