Fair Trade empowers women - AlterNativa3

Fair Trade empowers women

Women in Fair Trade organisations reach a higher level of leadership than women in conventional companies. From AlterNativa3 we celebrate International Women's Day, and we present you some data that demonstrate this reality.

Women in Fair Trade organisations are four times more likely to achieve managerial positions than women working in conventional companies. This is the main finding of the report 'Business models that empower women: perspectives and inspiration from Fair Trade organisationspublished today by the Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo on the occasion of International Women's Day. As an example, the testimony of Sagrario Angulo, manager of the CAMARI cooperative (video).

Women in the workplace
Inequality around the world is growing, especially among women. Women suffer exploitation, violence and abuse both in the workplace and in the social and family environment; they work long hours for low wages and sometimes without being aware of it.

Fair Trade demonstrates that it is possible to conduct business without exploiting women workers, but rather by empowering women, making them aware of their rights and giving them leadership opportunities at all levels.

This change is not only positive for women workers, but it revitalises their traditional business skills, opens them up to new markets, recognises the positive role of women in their communities and increases their self-esteem.

Fair Trade Equality
Fair Trade is committed to gender equality and the empowerment of women in the workplace. To achieve this, Fair Trade organisations implement actions such as:

. Education and awareness-raising for women and men
. Provide them with leadership opportunities, both in a factory and in the community.
. Giving women the opportunity to participate in decision-making .
. Provide equal remuneration for women, in all situations.
. Promoting Fair Trade
. Challenging traditional conventions that do not help to achieve these equalities.

The results are positive. The study of the State Fair Trade Coordination reveals the differences:
. the 51% of women working in Fair Trade participate in the Board of Directors of their companies, compared to 12% of women in conventional companies.
. the 52% of women in Fairtrade are CEOs (Directors), compared to 9% in conventional companies.
. the 54% of women working in Fair Trade are in senior positions, as opposed to 24% in conventional companies.

At AlterNativa3 we join this trend of empowerment and also the recommendations for governments promoted by the report '.Gender equality and women's rights in the workplacealso published today by the Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo. These recommendations, with a special focus on countries where discrimination against women in the workplace is most severe, include working to ensure that women have: social benefits, decision-making, strategic planning and birth registration, access to justice, access to credit, prevention of violence against women and access to jobs.

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- 08-03-19
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