Pure cocoa and hazelnut cream recipe - AlterNativa3
pure cocoa and hazelnut cream

Pure cocoa and hazelnut cream recipe

Today we bring you a recipe for a pure cocoa and hazelnut cream proposed by @molsa.bio. This is a vegan and gluten-free custard, perfect for a snack. To prepare it, she has used our pure cocoa and the mascobado sugartwo products that you can find in the shop online.

Get all the ingredients and follow the step-by-step instructions below to prepare this simple recipe.


Step by step

This recipe has only one step. Put the toasted hazelnuts, coconut oil, pure cocoa, mascobado sugar and rice drink in a blender. Then blend until you have a homogeneous and pure cream, a cocoa spread.

As you can see, this recipe is very easy to make. If you like, you can add some dates or a little vanilla or cinnamon powder to give it a special touch of flavour. An ideal vegan and gluten-free recipe for healthy snacks.

Do you already have your cocoa and hazelnut spread? Show us the result in Instagram, Twitter o Facebook!


- 11-10-19
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