CONACADO - AlterNativa3




Dominican Republic

CONACADO was born in 1985 from a successful union between cocoa producers and having the support of the Cocoa Department from the Agriculture Secretary, as well as from the Germany Cooperative Agency GTZ.

Their aim is to improve the incomes and the cocoa producer’s and family  life quality. They achieve it having the support on managing their homes, improving their products quality, marketing efficiently their harvests, strengthening their organization business and trade-union and developing integrally the communities where they live.

They work with the aim to achieve a technically developed cocoa area with high quality products, well-known internationally and produced by men and women that have achieved a correct quality live level.

The goal will be achieved through education and improving the process and supply infrastructure, to guarantee their place in the most demanding international markets.

You can visit their wbsite for further details:

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