ASOPEP - AlterNativa3





ASOPEP (Organic producers from Planadas Association) is an organisation in Planadas, Tolima, Colombia. Each partner grows 6 coffee tree acres, and their economy is only based on the incomes from the coffee production. ASOPEP has also Organic and Fairtrade Certification, to support and to open new opportunities for the coffee growers from the region.

ASOPEP is one of the most advanced groups in the south of Tolima. It is important because of the volume of production, and also because of the quality and consistency in the cup, the high level on organising themselves and because of their management capability.

It is a very well organized association, that applies important internal controls in the supplies chain, which are reflected on their excellent coffee offer.

La organización consiguió la certificación de Comercio Justo en 1995 y, gracias a esto, ha podido defender a pequeñ@s productores y productoras de café de los abusos de los grandes cafeteros multinacionales dominantes.

Actualmente, CENCOIC identifica el café como su principal línea de acción, con grupos de productores y productoras que pertenecen a, por lo menos, 24 reservas indígenas en el departamento de Cauca, y en diferentes grupos indígenas ubicados en los municipios de Caldono, Piendamó, El Tambo, Santander de Quilichao, Toribio, Jambaló, Inza, Buenos Aires y Suárez.


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