Airscape amarillo recipiente para café 250g - AlterNativa3

Airscape amarillo recipiente para café 250g

Ref: HO6005


Recipiente para conservar tu café con la máxima calidad, frescura y sabor.

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Originales y prácticos botes de acero inoxidable para almacenar y conservar tu café (o cualquier producto seco).

Contiene una tapa de émbolo que extrae el aire y la humedad. El oxígeno es expulsado gracias a la presión que ejercemos sobre la tapa al presionarla hacia abajo.

El sistema Airscape® elimina y bloquea el aire para proteger su calidad, frescura y sabor, manteniendo intactas las características organolépticas del café.

La tapa superior permite ver la cantidad de café que queda en el interior.

En 5 colores y 2 tamaños diferentes para que elijas el que más te guste.

Fair trade is an effective tool for eradicating the poverty and inequalities generated by conventional international trade. Working for gender equality, the eradication of child labour and paying a decent price to the people who grow our ingredients, who organise themselves in cooperatives and make decisions in a democratic way.

Our cooperative is committed to social responsibility policies in all areas: with the producer cooperatives, maintaining long-term relationships; with the consumer, offering maximum quality and transparency; and internally, with policies of family reconciliation, team decision-making, environmentally sustainable surroundings and gender equality. Working in AlterNativa3 allows us to take part in the construction of a better reality in which people are above economic profit.

The producing cooperatives cultivate the products according to traditional, environmentally friendly techniques. No chemicals or artificial additives, which are harmful to health and nature, are used in the further processing.

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