All set for the FSMET Meeting 2019! - AlterNativa3
FSMET Meeting 2019

All set for the FSMET Meeting 2019!

Hello everybody!

Everything is now ready for the preparatory meeting of the World Social Forum on Transformative Economieswhich will be held in Barcelonathe next 5, 6 and 7 April.

Meeting FSMET 2019


The meeting takes place in the historic building of the University of Barcelona, located in Plaça Universitat.

Metro: Pl. Universitat (L1, L2)

How to get there?

> Access day 1

The main access on the 1st day is through the main entrance: Gran Via.

Accreditations will be collected in the foyer of the central building.

> Access days 2 and 3

The main entrance will be at C/Aribau 2 (Josep Carner Building), where the workshops and activities will take place.


Here you can consult the final programme of the meeting, which we will provide you with a hard copy at the time of accreditation.

>> FSMET 2019 Meeting Programme (CAST)

>> FSMET Trobada 2019 Programme (CAT)


Before the meeting, we would like to ask you to bring some preparation for the dynamics:

  1. A small object that can be a symbol for youthat gives you wellbeing, that represents something important in your life or the future you want. It can also be an image of that object; if you can't carry it, or if you don't want to risk losing it.
  2. Connect to a (concrete) experience particularly valuable, impactful, exciting, transformer you have experienced in your movement. At some point, we will ask you to tell us about it, to analyse it together.
  3. It also connects with an experience valuable, impactful, etc. that you have experienced by doing confluence with other movement(s).


On Thursday morning, 4 April, we have convened a press conference for a press conference of

presentation of the Forum, with representation from the driving networks, the axes, and the administrations that support it.

We invite you to attend to make visible that the Forum is a collective process with many people and organisations behind it!

Thursday 4 April at 12 noon, at the space El Borsí (C/Avinyó, 23) - Metro: Jaume I

> How to get there?



We would like to thank you all for the interest, willingness and effort that you have shown at all times, and for joining this meeting in which we will discuss among all of you the what, the how and the with whom of this process that we are starting together, which will lay the foundations for the FSMET 2020, and the common challenges that we want to respond to from the transformative economies in the coming years.

Finally, we are aware that some of you are still processing logistical aspects of the trip, and the technical team is working against the clock to respond to everyone as soon as possible. Even so, if there are any last minute problems you can write to us at

See you at the Gathering!

Follow the FSMET



- 04-04-19
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